
Fifteen years ago, Dr. Katinka treated her first patient suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Since then, she has created a world-renowned system and surrounded herself with a dedicated team, capturing the attention of the media and doctors from all across the globe.

Dr. Katinka's Life Mission

I often find myself talking to other physicians across the globe, and invariably, they ask me the same question: “Why RSD/CRPS? Why in the world would you choose to specialize in such a difficult condition?” I always answer the same way: “How could I not?”.

I have always maintained that CRPS picked me, I didn’t pick it. Ever since I treated my very first patient suffering from CRPS, I became obsessed with helping people who suffer from this horrible, life- robbing condition. I hunted down doctors and techniques from all over the world, determined to figure out how to help the body beat this condition. If I heard that someone was having success treating CRPS, I wanted to know what they knew.

I had two rules that I held sacred while studying other treatment methods: all treatments had to involve healing the central nervous system, and no treatment could possibly harm the patient in any way.

Your Stay At The Spero Clinic

Clinic life involves a multi-week, on-site commitment for our patients. The normal therapy week is during clinic hours, Monday through Thursday from 9am to 6pm. The clinic does close for lunch, allowing patients and staff time to rest and recharge.

You can expect to be in the clinic most of the day. The number of appointments each day ranges from 3 to 6 consultations and/or therapy sessions, depending upon where you are in your treatment plan as well as individual needs. Appointment types and progress change weekly, keeping in mind each individual is on their own journey.

Your Genetic Makeup Does Not Make You Powerless

Think of your genetic weaknesses not as a forgone conclusion, but rather a Pandora’s box. While it remains locked, you do not have symptoms.

However, the lock may be unlocked by stress. This stress may be physical, chemical or emotional. Healing comes about when this box is locked again. You are not a victim of your genetic weaknesses, but rather, you have the power, with help, to compensate for these weaknesses, and lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

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